Friday, July 19, 2019
Modern education Essay -- essays research papers fc
During the past few decades we have seen a shift from Industrial work to Information technology work. Recently our country has just recovered from an economic depression. This depression was a â€Å"wake up call†for many people, as they saw highly educated professionals loosing their jobs. Why, were these educated people loosing their jobs?â€â€Did they break the rules, not get along with their bosses, or loose their cool? No, they did not have the flexibility, versatility, and cooperative skills that are needed in business for a changing economy. They were educated in a time when liberal art educations, and individualized work skills were taught at colleges. Layoffs were also due in part to the globilization of the economy. Cheaper labor can be found in other countries, which results in the closing of American factories or a drastic cut in pay for workers. Corporate downsizing, atomization, and an aging population have also contributed to this change in the type of work available (Rifkin 177). As most Americans used to be in the same economic bracket regardless of their line of work, today a worker’s real competitive position in the world economy depends on what kind of job they have (Jacobus 253). Education is the key to creating the worker’s demanded from businesses today. In aviation and other workplaces today, employers are not only looking for highly skilled workers, but for people who are flexible, work well with others and have good problem solving skills. Colleges must implement new teaching approaches and offer specialized degrees now, to prepare students for the needs of employers in the information-technology age. A workers must be flexible to be able to change and grow with the economy and the needs of employers is very important in today’s job market. â€Å"With corporate downsizing and restructuring so prevalent, employers are demanding more of their employees. They must be more versatile and multi-task oriented (Schmiedl 29).†Employees must be able to move from one job to another, and learn new tasks quickly. The more education they have the easier it is to adapt to these changes (Carnoy 123). Continuing education is also becoming more prevalent for today’s workers. To stay at the top of their fields in knowledge and technology, employees must constantly be up-dating their education (Schmiedl 29). Flexibility also ties in with the skill of worki... ...ooner it will trickle down into elementary and secondary schools. Thus making cooperative learning a part of students lives earlier, so they will sooner adjust to it’s style. College professors must implement cooperative learning now, to teach flexibility and working well with others. This change is imperative not only to the success of workers but the entire economy. Workers with out these skills are at a serious disadvantage in getting jobs, and keeping them. Works Cited Carnoy, Martin. â€Å"The Changing World of Work in the Information Age.†New Political Economy 3.1 (1998): 123-129 Jacobus, Lee. â€Å"Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer.†A World of Ideas. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford Books, 1998. 251-267. Johnson, David Johnson, Roger Smith, Karal. â€Å"Cooperative Learning returns to College†Change 30.4 (1998): 26-36 Rifkin, Jeremy. â€Å"A Civil Education for the Twenty-first Century: Preparing Students for a Three Sector Society.†National Civic Review. 87.2 (1998): 177- 182 Schmidl, Joe. â€Å"Changing the Face of Higher Education†Pacific Business News 35.19 (1997): 29 Walker, Lorenn. â€Å"Hands-On Learning will Produce better Problem Solvers†Pacific Business News 33.20 (1995): 27
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